
A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding the CASD Act 93 Agreement

The Collective Bargaining Agreement for Administrative, Supervisory, and Professional Employees (CASD Act 93 Agreement) is an important document that outlines the rights and responsibilities of administrators, supervisors, and professionals working in public schools in Pennsylvania. This agreement includes a range of salary, benefits, and working conditions provisions, as well as procedures for addressing grievances and resolving disputes.

In this article, we will take a closer look at the provisions of the CASD Act 93 Agreement and what it means for employees covered by it.

What is the CASD Act 93 Agreement?

The CASD Act 93 is a collective bargaining agreement between the school district and administrative, supervisory and professional employees. This agreement lays out the terms and conditions of their employment, such as salaries, benefits, working conditions, and rights. The Act 93 agreement is typically negotiated between the district administration and the bargaining unit representing the employees.

What are the provisions of the CASD Act 93 Agreement?

The agreement covers many provisions, including but not limited to:

– Salaries: The agreement outlines the salaries and compensation package for the employees covered by the agreement. It includes provisions for base pay, step increases, longevity pay, and any bonuses or stipends that may be available.

– Benefits: The agreement describes the health insurance options, retirement plans, and any other benefits that employees may be eligible for.

– Grievances: The agreement outlines the procedures for addressing grievances and resolving disputes, including the use of arbitrators and mediation.

– Working conditions: The agreement covers working conditions such as hours of work, time off, and leaves of absence.

– Professional development: The agreement outlines opportunities for professional development for employees covered by the agreement.

Who is covered by the CASD Act 93 Agreement?

The agreement covers administrators, supervisors, and professional employees who work in public schools in Pennsylvania. The employees covered by the agreement typically hold positions such as assistant principals, department heads, managers, and directors.

What are the benefits of the CASD Act 93 Agreement?

The Act 93 agreement provides a range of benefits for employees, including job security, competitive salaries, and comprehensive benefits packages. By providing clear guidelines for salaries, benefits, and working conditions, the agreement ensures that employees are treated fairly and equitably.

Additionally, the Act 93 agreement provides a process for addressing grievances and resolving disputes, which helps to maintain a positive work environment and promotes healthy working relationships between employees and the school district.


The CASD Act 93 Agreement is an important document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for administrative, supervisory, and professional employees in Pennsylvania public schools. By providing clear guidelines for salaries, benefits, and working conditions, the agreement ensures that employees are treated fairly and equitably. The provisions of the agreement also help to maintain a positive work environment and promote healthy working relationships between employees and the school district.